Many Lovely Dresses in the Twelve Days of Christmas

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I thrifted the children's book "The Twelve Days of Christmas: A Christmas Carol" (illustrated by Sheilah Beckett and published by Little Golden Books in 1992) when my daughter was just a baby. Now that she is three years old and understands that Christmas is a special time with special books and music, she absolutely loves reading (singing) the book.

And I am more than happy to read/sing this one to her over and over for one reason: I love the clothes! The lucky lady who receives the gifts has a new luscious outfit on every day, I adore the peasant dresses of the eight maids a'milking, and the nine ladies in waiting are all decked out in some truly fantastical flowy gowns of gorgeousness. (Please forgive the fuzzy pictures, we are working on getting a better camera soon.)

Merry Christmas to you & yours!