
Hello everyone! Sorry for the long silence, but things have been movin' and shakin' at Violet Folklore. 

We have great news: the shop has done so well that we are actually able to expand into our own individual stores on Etsy! Amber is going to continue to run Violet Folklore, and Sasha has opened her own store, Astral Boutique. We will continue to bring you the same great folksy, fabulous threads that you love-- and now there will be even more of the vintage bounty!

Amber is not going to blog here regularly, so please connect with her at her Tumblr Blog or Facebook page to keep abreast of all the latest and greatest.

Sasha has launched a new blog for Astral Boutique, which you can find here.

We look forward to keeping in touch with all of our blog friends, who have made our lives so rich and wonderful. Thanks for a year of incredible love and support!



Amber and Sasha