Introducing The (Virtual) Gunne Sax Parade!

Remember how I was asking, post-Gunne Parade, for someone to please start a Gunne Sax database? Well, guess who jumped on it? None other than our friend Nicole from Atelier/Flaming Hag Folkwear!


Nicole felt like a regular "database" would be just too darn boring, so she put the Dream into blog form. You can peep her first few entries (including a history of the founder of Gunne Sax, Jessica McClintock!) at Gunnes on Parade


Best of all, you can send her your pics of your Gunne Sax duds, for inclusion in the blog, at this address: Let's fill up the blog with pics of all the Gunnes of the world!


These pictures are some of our fave Gunnes that we have already sold, but don't despair- Violet Folklore is your Gunne Sax source! We have lots of gorgeous Gunnes in the store even as we speak... even one that is almost a copy of this cute purple one!

 (A huge thanks to Nicole for being so kind, so cool, and so ON IT.)
