Yuba Days

From Sasha

I am happy to report that I spent most of this past weekend at one of the loveliest places on earth, the South Fork of the Yuba River. This lil' piece of Heaven is just 20 minutes from my house, and naturally it is the first place our friends want to go to when they come up to visit. One of my dearest friends, Tomi, came up Friday evening, and we hiked in and camped out along the banks of the Yuba, eating really good food and talking nonstop between taking naps on hot rocks in the sun. Hard life, eh?

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Sasha n' Tomi

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Obviously the end of summer: we each brought 4 tubes of sunscreen that only had one squeeze left in them!

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Tomi and Yuba

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Martha Stewart is going to have a heart attack when she sees that we used a LEG to display our gourmet creation-- oh well! It is too divine and was invented on the spot while we ate breakfast. Ingredients: one baguette slice, goat cheese, sliced fig, and one piece of Dagoba Xocolatl Chocolate (the one with spicy chili nibs). It tastes like a gourmet chocolate cheesecake... trust us.

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Roots and Rocks

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Tomi's new tattoo! She is from Ely, Nevada, which is on the Highway 50 (also known as "The World's Loneliest Highway" because the towns are so far and few between)-- and that's what is represented in this amazing work of art. Check out the Nevada wildflowers in the foreground!


Tomi had to go back to work and school (she is becoming a Nurse Midwife!) on Sunday morning, so I headed out with Chris to spend another fabulous day at the Yuba, knowing the water is probably going to be too cold to go swimming in very very shortly.

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Reflections- you can look at these all day long.

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The World's Best Swimming Hole

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A dreadlocked teen drew this in the white part of the rock with a piece of charcoal, and when he left we had a photo op!

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We heart Planet Earth!