The Most Coveted Dress

From Amber

A few weeks ago Sasha photographed herself in our Alfred Shaheen Peacock Dress. Later that day she went home and put the picture up in a blog entitled August in California: Dry Grass and Gunne Gowns, planning on putting the dress up for sale in the shop the following morning.


Well, by the time the morning rolled around our blog comment box, Flickrmail, and Etsy Convo's were filled with requests for sole buying privileges on the dress! It was the biggest response we've ever had for a piece of clothing, and we were more than a little surprised! But the print, of course, is fantastic.

The ladies fought a hard fight, but it was Izzy, the lovely woman behind the Etsy shop YeYe! Vintage Boutique, who staked the first claim. Check out her recent blog post featuring a mountainside photo shoot in which she manages to make this gorgeous dress look even more so thanks to her beautiful natural surroundings and amazing styling...