She Comes In Colors Everywhere

From Sasha

I want to share with you one of the most amazing clothing gifts that I have ever been given: 

My friend Teddi bought this baby in the late 60s at a supercool San Francisco boutique. She'd had her eye on it for ages and finally made the move! It is made of THE SOFTEST pink fur, and no, your monitor is not lying to you, that is brilliant PINK fur! It is fully lined in yummy satin, and closes with a giant fur button in front.
Teddi's daughter had to pass on this one, as it is just not her cup of tea (how is this possible?!?!), so Teddi thought of me. As she says, if I had been around in the late 60s, we would have been the best of friends, and no doubt shopped together like madwomen!

My cup overfloweth with love for Teddi, who brings so much joy into my life, and now... this! Wow! I am the luckiest fashion freak in the world. Now, I am just waiting for the mercury to drop below 90 so I can actually WEAR this creation!