
From Amber

Through an amazing confluence of events Graham and I were able to spend 2 nights (including his 25th birthday!) at Wilbur Hot Springs at no cost to us (thank you Ron Bertolucci and Graham's mom Sandi!) while Mycie had fun with Grammy, Papa D, and Auntie in South Lake Tahoe.
It was *amazing*. So relaxing, melting away...




The main building is a huge historic hotel. The whole place was so much more luxurious than I had expected. It wasn't overdone or ritzy, just furnished with very well made and beautiful pieces. There were plenty of fun nooks and crannies for photo takin':


You know I wore my new dress the whole time we were there!



Outside the building was a spacious, peaceful, hidden-away landscape:


...With a bat cave that houses the most endangered species in California. We waited until dusk and watched hundreds if not thousands of the little winged creatures blindly fly out in search of food:



We couldn't take any pictures of the lovely flumes that we soaked in because it's a "clothing optional" place, but here is an overhead view. The flumes are under the roof on the left, with one also to the left of the pool under the open sky (so nice at night!). There is also a sauna to the right of the pool. And yes, that's the hotel in back, and the owners' crazy house on the top left:


The little building at the top in this picture is a yoga space (complete with mats and a large rug). I spent some quality alone time up there each day after soaking my muscles into relaxation. There was a ton of wild yarrow growing around the building that I also spent some quality time with! In fact, the picture above was taken from this li'l yoga nook. The wall below is what hides the naked folks from the wider Wilbur world:


 We were partially able to stay there for free because we hauled a bunch of rocks up for Ron, who Graham has been working with building rock walls. It looks like Graham will be able to spend a week or two back at Wilbur in August building another wall- and ensuring us future free stays there- YES!!! Here is some of Ron's work:


It was so nice to be away together in such a beautiful and rejuvenating setting. Happy birthday my love, thanks for living life with me! It's certainly not always as easy as it was this weekend: