The Gunne Sax That Made The Big Time

From Sasha
So my radable-awesome friends Kymmie Sioux and Denah made the coolest short film in REAL 16mm, starring me as, what else, The Devil's Dairymaid (no I didn't have to apply for this position, I admit... it was an inside job!). Their film has been chosen to show as part of the Canyon Cinemas Queer Underground Showcase at the Roxie Theater in San Francisco, this Friday night the 26th. I will be there to catch it on the big screen, and I'd love to see you there!
You might note, watching the trailer below, that one of the most important visual elements is a gorgeous white full-length Gunne Sax dress! And yes, I do spill milk VERY clumsily all over it... but I'm supposed to be kind of, um, possessed, so you have to forgive me.
The other films all look amazing too. For tickets and more info go HERE...

Final Version - Devil's Dairymaid trailer from d.a. johnston on Vimeo.