Still. Dress. Obsessed. (& goodbye!)

From Amber
This is it, the final countdown. Tomorrow morn Sasha and I are headed out to the Northern California Women's Herbal Symposium in Laytonville, CA. I could not *be* any more excited to have a four day/three night break from my stay-at-home mom/housewife daily existence! It'll be the longest I've been away from Mycie yet, and it feels like Total Freedom. No responsibilities, no meals to cook, the ability to wander at will, meet amazing, knowledgeable women, take any class I want at whatever time, and just lay in my tent and read read read. Heaven!

I am packing only my most favorite, fabulous clothes. Every second will be Dress Up Time. Expect a picture-laden blog when we get back!

Meanwhile, the shop will be on "vacation" mode starting today (Thursday) evening, so purchases won't be possible until we get back on Monday evening. (If you order before 8pm Pacific Time we WILL ship to you on Friday morning, but after that you will have to wait for our return!)

These lovelies are up for grabs right now!








So long sistahs!