Sacramento Antique Fair, The Camaraderie of Women Shopping, Mother's Day

From Amber

Any Sacto or nearby people who love them some antique goodies and vintage beauties oughtta spend some time this Mother's Day checking out the Sacramento Antique Faire. Located on 21st between W and X, it goes from 6:30am to 3pm. Admission is $3, free for kids under age 16. Check the link above for more.


Some of the lovely ladies from Atelier will be there selling the best of their vintage clothing collections. I stopped into their shop on Tuesday on a jaunt to Sactown and I assure you that, well, their shit is the bomb. I purchased a fantastic vintage skirt from Nicole of Flaming Hag Folkwear and Dig Vintage (<--check her Etsy shops if Sacramento is far away from where you live! Which, statistically speaking, it probably is). By the time you read this I will be out of town visiting my grandparents and adjusting to temps in the low 90s after the grey skies, rain, clouds and wind we've been having here for the past week- and this skirt will be in my suitcase for sure!:



She and I met on Etsy a while back and she sent me a dress for Mycie, but yesterday was our first time meeting in person. She was wearing the most amazing dress that had been her grandmother's in the 70s, cinched with a leather belt and perfected with a pair of thigh highs and brown boots. Wish I'd had my camera!

While scoping around Atelier's back room a woman with gorgeous long, dark hair came out of the dressing room with an armful of lovely vintage garments. They caught my eye immediately and before I knew it she and I were going through her finds piece by piece and oohing and aahing over every one. Instant girl/clothes connection. She had just received word that she had passed her final test and would soon be receiving her Master's in English(!), and so was splurging as celebration. She wondered if purchasing the clothes was a justifiable reward, and I assured her that it was! Here's one of her new dresses:


As I always say to Sasha when one of us falls in love with a piece of clothing that we had intended to sell in the shop- purchasing and wearing clothes you truly love is always worth it. If, of course, you are not sacrificing food purchases or bill payments in the process :-)

Anyway, the more I chatted with this girl the more I liked her! And it didn't take too long to realize that we had met before. I had met her sister Adrienne last autumn after she and her band Coal Beautiere:


...played at Ladyfest Nevada County (co-organized by our very own Sasha). Not too long after that I ran into Adrienne and her sister Heather at a harvest festival at Apple Hill in Placerville, where they are from (it's sort of in between Grass Valley and South Lake Tahoe). And, in fact, I had been perusing Heather's blog Moonshine Junkyard just the day before! Click that link and scroll down to see more of Heather's pictures of some of the clothes she got at Atelier that day.

And click here to read an interview Heather conducted with Adrienne for the Ladyfest blog (run entirely by Sasha in the weeks leading up to the event).

And here is a picture of Adrienne (on the left) and Heather (on the right) and their mom, taken last Mother's Day. Love it!:


Happy Mother's Day!

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