Flea Market Madness!

From Sasha

This weekend I finally made it to the big flea market down the hill- Denio's in Roseville! It had been years since me and the Hunny had been to a flea market together, though when we lived in the Bay Area we used to go to the Laney College Flea Market nearly every single weekend. Strolling among the random glitter and clutter felt just like coming home...

Apparently these were part of the promo materials from The Simpson's movie premier!

01090003 A bucket for your baby, your kitten, and your... snowman?
01090008 Is this patriotic goat a character on a TV show? Or do kids just like to wallop the hell out of flag-lovin' farm animals?

My new dolly- totally mod! Totally $1! She has a string on the back of her neck that used to make her say something...and I would kill to know what it was!

Major score-- sorry, I'm keeping this one! It's already hanging in the living room!

A little of grandma's wisdom, reminding Young Lovers to take a break form the neckin' and EAT something already...

Gorgeous Valentines dated 1947... just in time for V-Day. Also, those pictures of pretty strangers that I can't resist!

I have an illogical fascination for all things Alaskan and Eskimo themed. This goes with the igloo we found last week in a free box in front of the thrift store!

01090021 So so many cute little things from one cool guy with a booth at the very back of the Flea Market...
Yes, that says "Leg warmer, Like jean, One size fit all". Best new item of clothing EVER! These fit incredibly... they are tights with jean "stitching" printed right on them!

01090020 Awesome earrings, 50 cents a pair! And that's one of my (three) new pairs of leg warmers underneath them... I am on a serious roll with these things. I'm gonna get the most out of them while it's still winter!
Another major score.. quilted rainboots with "sneaker" soles! These don't even have a size or a brand on them- they are just pure Shoe Creations. For the Mod Skater in me! Ten dollars!
I hope I've inspired you to patronize your local flea market-- the original venue for the Thrill of the Hunt and the Magic of the Unexpected Discovery. You'll also be part of a tradition of open-air markets that goes back thousands of years!
 Shop on, sisters!
Denio's in Roseville is open Friday thru Sunday year round.