Devil's Dairymaid

From Sasha

I just love my talented friends! My amazing pals Kymmy and Denah from San Francisco made this beautiful film on real 16mm, and asked me to be their muse... it was my first time "acting" (although it can be argued that a woman acts every day of her life! ha!) and I was so happy they gave me this chance. It was super fun and the film, well, what could be better than something called "Devil's Dairymaid"??? They did all the music too (they have their own fabulous band called The Cameos)! This is the first time it has been available online, so roll out the red carpet, here is my debut!!! 

Devil's Dairymaid from d.a. johnston on Vimeo.

(That's a Gunne Sax dress, btw!)

If you would like to contact Denah about this film or any of her other fabulous work you can e-mail her here:

Thanks Kymmy and Denah for being true forces of creativity in my life, and in the artistic community of Northern California!