Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Cloaklet

From Sasha

Okay, so that's not exactly a rule, but jealousy is bad on the liver. Yes, Lucia got to the thrift store first and snapped this one up. Yes, it's painful. BUT.. being a true friend, she said I can borrow it whenever I want. That eases the pain a little, I'll admit... I mean, just LOOK at it!!!:

I know she doesn't mean to, but doesn't it look like she's gloating just a little bit?

Demonstrating that it is not just a capelet, it's a vest.. and you can even unbutton the cape part if you want! Incredible!

Thoughtful Western detailing on the back... they left nothing out when they made this one, I tell you..


Pure beauty. Yes, of course I'm talking about Lucia (our resident Would-Be Vogue Model that was Too Wild and Rambling In Her Youth to be caught by the Fashion Industry... ha ha ha ha!), but I'm also talking about the cloaklet, the caperie, the vestaplaid, the burgundy dream woogie... whatever you want to call it, I love it. I'll be by to pick it up on Friday... (:
By the way, we actually have little reason to moan about this one... we have some seriously covetable capes in the store right now!
***FYI, Lucia is an INCREDIBLE massage therapist... she is my main gal for getting out my nasty Computer Neck kinks. She has the gift of intelligent, intuitive hands combined with many years of experience! Give us a holler if you want to get in touch with her.***