Va Va Vintage Voom!

From Amber at Violet Folklore

If I do say so myself, we have got some seriously sexy pieces of vintage clothing for sale right now. Check out our newest model Lucia (gorgeous mama to two-year-old Malakai and world's most amazing massage giver) in this FABULOUS 1950s lingerie made by Eyeful by the "Flaums". I like to think of her as luscious Lucia:



And, as always, our Violet Folklore Original Model (va va VFOM!) Sarah Jane was posing up a storm at our last shoot and looking devastatingly hot in each shot (the girl does not take a bad photo). Here she is in an 80s Brass Plum by Nordstrom little black dress (check her Volvo in the background- Nevada County's vehicle of choice!):



Lucia, Sarah, and I spent the entire two hours of the photo shoot which produced the above two shots shouting from behind the camera "Gorgeous! You are amazing! SO sexy! Oh my god girl those legs... etc." This project has turned out to be a boost to the self esteem of all of us previously inexperienced models! (Not that there aren't hilariously hideous shots of all of us hanging out somewhere in my iPhoto folders...)

Here's Sasha in a straight sultry 100% silk 80s Dynasty-style dress:



Ooooh another amazing piece of lingerie! This one takes it back even further in time to the 1940s, when Van Raalte was producing the finest lingerie around. The color and lace detailing on this are just spectacular:




Our resident pixie Cynthia recently rocked this little 80s teddy:



Kinda makes you wanna grab a little afternoon delight, don't it? (Love the 70s styling in these videos):

Amber Magnolia Hill1 Comment