The Vintage Closet: Layers of Warm Memories

From Amber at Violet Folklore

A couple of months ago I posted a blog over at Nourished Mother about that day's Thrift Scores At Yard Sales. In it I included these words and this image about some tops I found for my two-year-old daughter Mycelia:


The cozy thermal tops in this picture would be my dream come true if they were my size:



Not too long after that I posted another blog detailing My Wish List To The Universe. Topping the list was some snuggly thermal tops for myself for the winter.

I adored thermal shirts (especially those sweet floral prints) when I was a little girl growing up in snowy South Lake Tahoe, but didn't start incorporating them back into my wardrobe until recently (which is just silly considering my serious aversion to the sensation of coldness). I also only recently started acquiring most of my clothing at thrift stores (again, something that could have come in handy a looong time ago), and look what I found at Goodwill the other day! The very top I had coveted, adult size, my size, matching my daughter's (she has it in white, light pink, and dark pink- I wasn't quite that lucky). These are not vintage, despite the name Old Navy:



And speaking of childhood memories, I also recently thrifted this amazing flannel top, which reminds me so much of one my dad wore all the time when I was a kid in the 80s. I love it so so so much and have worn it constantly since getting it. It wasn't even like I was looking for something like it or have worn flannel since my pathetic attempts at middle school coolness back in Nirvana's hey day. I just love the colors, especially with this sweet thrifted hat and another recent fashion discovery of mine- red lipstick! The tag is totally vintage, adding even more joy to this find. I thought of wearing it for Halloween and going as Paula Bunyon, but ended up just staying home and snuggling up with the fam:



Here's my dad rocking the flannel shirt I so fondly remember back on February 9th, 1981, the day after I was born. I love it that our old Volvo is in the background in this first picture of our new family (I was just about to enter what would be my home for the next 18 years for the first time after returning from the hospital) because Graham and I have just acquired a Volvo after the car we've had for years kicked the bucket last month. On a somewhat related note, we also just acquired the very same 1970s wood stove that we had in my house growing up to keep us cozy this winter:




And a final score- one that I actually HAD been seeking on my recent thrifting adventures. A long vintage navy blue wool coat, and this one still had the tags on it! Never worn! The brand is the classic Forecaster of Boston. AND, are you ready for this, it was half off day at the Hospice store I found it at so I only payed $10 for it!!!! It is so warm and comfy:



As you might imagine, this has been my go-to outfit as the weather here in NorCal has turned colder and colder this last week. I'm sure it will see plenty more action this winter. The boots and skirt were also thrifted.


Oh and here's me and the girl in our matching tops. I couldn't find her white one, but boy am I glad we decided to take some photos of us together for this- check out these great photos! The first is just so funny, and the second is beyond sweet- it is so my new MySpace photo :-)



Thank goodness Sasha & I live within 10 miles of nine of the best thrift stores in the state of California! (Not a fact, but I sure believe it...)