Nevada County Street Style- Chia in Nevada City

From Sasha at Violet Folklore

Nevada City is home to some of California's most beautiful girls, as anyone who has been here can attest. Raised swimming in cerulean rivers and breathing clean mountain air, these daughters of the Gold Rush and the hippie urban exodus of the early 70s are smart, well-dressed, and full of independent spirit.


For our first spotlight on Nevada County street style, we are featuring the lovely Chia, who I found hanging out at After the Gold Rush Records in downtown Nevada City on a Sunday afternoon. Known around town for her innovative dress sense and sometimes elaborately feminine getups, this day she was moving house and so she was dressed in "utilitarian" mode. I just love how her "casual" outfit incorporates so many thoughtfully charming elements!


Proving that true bohemians have the best ring collections!


I can't believe I had never heard of these amazing Muck boots before! They are an English boot made to stand up to the "muckiest" of conditions and keep your feet dry and warm. I love tromping around the muddy forest behind our house in the winter, so obviously I NEED a pair!


I just adore this delicate, magical leather purse...


Since Chia is a record store clerk, I had to ask her a musical question:

Violet Folklore: What three records are your personal favorites right now?

Chia: Virgin Killers by The Scorpions; Blood on the Tracks by Bob Dylan; the new one by Bright Black Morning Light.


Thanks to Chia for being our first Nevada County Street Style star!