Gunne Sax Sunday

From Sasha at Violet Folklore

Some days really are prettier than others, and the same can be said for dresses. Gunne Sax and Gunne Sax style dresses are timeless classics, and Amber and I seem to have the BEST luck finding them (knock on wood). I guess it's because we live in Northern California, the home of Gunne Sax... but rational explanations aside, every time we find one we feel like we have won a prize. They are so well-made, so creative, and so photogenic--I mean, just look at this one below! Thank goodness they don't all fit, or else we would hoard them for an eternity, and that just wouldn't be fair!


Here they are together, that gorgeous day and those gorgeous dresses... thanks to Chris, who was my patient photographer!


I just love this dreamy dress, made in a Gunne Sax style. It's the perfect excuse to look as beautiful as a bride without actually getting married!


Everyone needs a pair of bloomers under their dress... I swear by them in the winter! I've already got my own, so I put these in the shop for one lucky lady!


Serious Sasha with banjo...


...and then I started singing!

Who can keep a straight face for long when they are holding a banjo??? I just can't wait to see what adventures this sweet dress will go on when it finds its perfect owner!


Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!


Amber Magnolia Hill1 Comment