Four Flickr Fashion Faves

From Amber at Violet Folklore
Yeah, we know. Most everyone with an "indie fashion blog" reposts their favorite photos from Flickr. Well, we do too. Come to find out it's extremely addicting and surprisingly satisfying to feed one visual receptors with beautiful images of what other clothing lovers are wearing and, in some cases, to where they're wearing it and why.
This one shot alone makes this whole endeavor worth it. Here is Little Red Fox on her way to an audition. This is my favorite outfit I've ever seen on Wardrobe_Remix or anywhere else on Flickr (or anywhere else EVER perhaps). This lovely fashionista also has a blog, where she recently gave us here at Violet Folklore a shout out- thank you! Oh, and check out her Etsy shop.
Might I add that she seems to have found the perfect pose for this outfit:


I have GOT to start rocking knee highs over tights!
Now this one from veeraveera I fell head over heels for because of the color combo. In fact, the day before I saw this I had been sitting on the back porch at a friends' house looking out over their amazing view of the rolling foothills and thousands of pine trees and it inspired me to run through my closet right there in my head and think of all brown and green items I own and what combos I could possibly create with them.
Pretty sure I wouldn't have come up with anything nearly so good:



This shot from egyptian.witch I love more for the whole effect than for just the outfit. I mean, this image is just amazing, perfect. And the clothes are 100% thrifted! Love how she paired the black with the floral:
This look from verhext (which is also 100% thrifted) is a bohemian dream. The way she combined everything is just brilliant. I would love to wear this:

Thou shalt not covet, thou shalt not covet...


Oh, and here are some pics of that brown & green view (with a little orange and yellow thrown in- another color combo veeraveera has mastered)!:
I found this hanging from the tree I was harvesting pine needles (to make an amazingly relaxing massage oil) and pitch (to use as an antiseptic wound cover) from and fashion inspiration struck!:
[Did you know Sasha and I each also have an herb blog? Kitchen Witch and Nourished Mother, respectively. They're both showing signs of neglect since the inception of Violet Folklore, but nonetheless therein lies some great and healing information to be rooted through- pun intended].